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  • Writer's pictureAnh Khoa

I work for subway but don’t mistake this fake smile shirt

Don’t be an I work for subway but don’t mistake this fake smile shirt to your past. Quit reliving the hurts. Quit dwelling on your mistakes. This is a new day. If you’ll let go of the old, you’ll move into the new things God has in store. In a few hours, the U.S. Senate will turn its back on righteousness, on fairness, on reason. And make no mistake, it will turn its back on women. Don’t let this silence you. Don’t lose hope. Because millions are watching this moment and we will rise up and fight back. I just realized I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake at work. It won’t hurt anyone or anything except my own reputation and credibility. Again. I honestly don’t do well with this sort of thing at all. Reminds me too much of how I felt when I was outed.

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