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  • Writer's pictureAnh Khoa

Never underestimate a woman who understands basketball and loves Warriors shirt

The refs were not letting Never underestimate a woman who understands basketball and loves Warriors shirt down too! Harden cheats by driving into the defender’s chest and stepping back to shoot. The refs need to stop that cheat too. He just jumps up and makes the shot. No leaping forward, no falling down, no head snap. This is how you win by playing basketball rather than playing the refs. Houston Rockets strategy did not work when they shot 3’s. They didn’t shoot and go straight up when they did so. They were constantly jumping forward when taking their 3 pointers. The rule is designed to protect the player that is taking a jump shot from the defender landing under their feet Not when the shooter purposely jumps forward in the hope of drawing a foul. This is why they jawed at the refs so much. CP3 during the last few seconds before he was tossed purposely tripped Klay Thompson.


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